Resultat af litteratursøgning om prognose og undersøgelse m.m.
Resultat af litteratursøgning om prognose og undersøgelse m.m.
Søgeprotokol 2014-2015: I. og II. del
Database | Antal hits | 2014 + 2015 |
Medline/Pubmed | 2324 | 647 |
Cochrane | 169 | 64 |
CINAHL | 143 | 58 |
EMBASE | 509 | 944 |
PEDro | 66 | 13 |
Inkluderede | 36 | 12 |
Subject headings og inklusions- og eksklusionskriterier er tilpasset de enkelte databaser.
Søgestrategier og Dokumentationsark:
Søge nummer | Søgeord | Hits | 2014 2015 |
1. | Spondylitis, ankylosing [MeSH Terms] | 11585 | 630 |
2. | Ankylosing spondylitis [Title/Abstract] | — | 1387 |
3. | Axial spondyloarthritis [Title/Abstract] | — | 276 |
4. | OR 1. – 3. | — | 1591 |
5. | Recommendation* [Title/Abstract] | 146862 | 29872 |
6. | Anamnesis [Title/Abstract] | 4008 | 351 |
7. | Medical history taking [MeSH Terms] | 17941 | 712 |
8. | Physical examination [MeSH Terms] | 1033930 | 68504 |
9. | Prognosis [MeSH Terms] | 1057028 | 119948 |
10. | Predict* [Title/Abstract] | — | 190066 |
11. | Monitoring [Title/Abstract] | 306833 | 54017 |
12. | Outcome assessment [MeSH Terms] | 671684 | 87360 |
13. | Measure* [Title/Abstract] | 2238032 | 327271 |
14. | Pain measurement [MeSH Terms ] | 58648 | 5830 |
15. | Disability evaluation [MeSH Terms] | 38471 | 3156 |
16. | Outcome and process assessment [MeSH Terms] | 694028 | 88534 |
17. | Patient care [Title/Abstract] | 38534 | 6969 |
18. | OR 5. – 17. | 4281489 | 651499 |
19. | 4. AND 18. | 2434 | 647 |
Søge nr. | Søgeord | Hits | 2014 2015 |
1. | Spondylitis, ankylosing [title, abstract, keyword] | 647 | 134 |
2. | Axial spondyloarthritis [title, abstract, keyword] |
| 47 |
3. | 1. OR 2. |
| 140 |
4. | Recommendation [title, abstract, keyword] | 7119 | 1303 |
5. | Anamnesis [title, abstract, keyword] | 166 | 38 |
6. | Medical history taking [title, abstract, keyword] | 589 | 81 |
7. | Physical examination [title, abstract, keyword] | 3745 | 581 |
8. | Prognosis [title, abstract, keyword] | 15784 | 1733 |
9. | Predict* [title, abstract, keyword] |
| 6620 |
10. | Monitoring [title, abstract, keyword] | 34890 | 4629 |
11. | Outcome assessment [title, abstract, keyword] | 39592 | 12537 |
12. | Measurement [title, abstract, keyword] | 60173 | 5206 |
13. | Pain measurement [title, abstract, keyword] | 17984 | 951 |
14. | Disability evaluation [title, abstract, keyword] | 3512 | 339 |
15. | Outcome and process assessment [title, abstract, keyword] | 3794 | 741 |
16. | Patient care [title, abstract, keyword] | 57443 | 10028 |
17. | Episode of care [title, abstract, keyword] | 229 | 378 |
18. | OR 4. – 17. | 127145 | 31659 |
19. | 3. AND 18. | 169 | 64 |
Søge nr. | Søgeord | Hits | 2014 2015 |
1. | Spondylitis, ankylosing [MH] | 1038 | 310 |
2 | Ankylosing spondylitis [Ti] |
| 345 |
3. | Axial spondyloarthritis [TI] |
| 90 |
4. | 1. OR 2. |
| 523 |
5. | Recommendation [TI] | 707 | 247 |
6. | Anamnesis [TI], 14/15 [AB] | 4 | 29 |
7. | Medical history taking [TI], 14/15 [AB] | 9 | 16 |
8. | Physical examination [MW] | 14751 | 2298 |
9. | Prognosis [MW] | 32657 | 11230 |
10. | Monitoring [TI] | 10029 | 3205 |
11. | Outcome assessment [MW] | 16883 | 4339 |
12. | Measures [AB] | 142068 | 27733 |
13. | Pain measurement [TI], 14/15 [AB] | 145 | 143 |
14. | Disability evaluation [MW] | 6777 | 1302 |
15. | Process assessment | 308 | 667 |
16. | Patient care, 14/15 [MW] | 33843 | 13460 |
17. | OR 5. – 16. | 248422 | 61876 |
18. | 4. AND 17. | 143 | 58 |
Søge nummer | Søgeord | Hits til 2014 | 2014 2015 |
1. | ankylosing spondylitis/di [Diagnosis] | 2613 | 3960 |
2. | Axial spondyloarthritis |
| 722 |
3. | 1. OR 2. |
| 4187 |
4. | | 113691 | 3559 |
5. | practice or practice guideline/ | 231121 | 39061 |
6. | Medical history | 167069 | 49 |
7. | Physical | 147561 | 26020 |
9. | | 571087 | 99368 |
10. | Predict*.mp or prediction/ | — | 266522 |
11. | patient or monitoring/ | 68720 | 30671 |
12. | Outcome | 233854 | 84002 |
13. | | 582127 | 85420 |
14. | Disability | 973 | 150 |
15. | (Outcome and process assessment).mp | 423 | 111 |
16. | Patient | 243195 | 33379 |
17. | OR 4. – 16. | 2062225 | 570505 |
18. | 3. AND 17. | 509 | 944 |
Søge nr. | Søgeord | Hits | 2014 2015 |
1. | Ankylosing spondylitis | 66 | 13 |
2. | Axial spondyloarthritis | — | 3 |
3. |
| 66 | 13 |